I looked at the calendar the other day and realized that I have been a California resident for over six months.
Some days, it feels like it's been the longest six months in the history of my life.
Other times, it feels like we moved here yesterday. This could be because there are still unpacked boxes in my garage and pictures leaning against the walls where I'd like them to be hung. Someday.
Looking at my calendar reminded me that I was going to put a note on my calendar to remind myself to periodically add to my list of things that I love about living here that I wouldn't have back in Kansas.
I never put the note on the calendar. My personal road to hell is TOTALLY paved with good intentions.
But since I remembered I was going to do it, and I can't think of anything else to write about, today seems as good of a day as any to add to the list.
So in addition to Trader Joe's (which I now love even more than I did last August--totally due to the fact that a few months ago, a checker-guy had bona-fide plans to card me for my "alcohol" purchase until he realized I was buying olive oil), I would like to add the following things to my slowly growing list:
~The weather. I love that 50 degrees is "freezing." I love that I feel justified in being completely teed off at weather.com if they post a high of 71 and it turns out to be 75. I love that the difference between 71 and 75 here is a seasonal wardrobe change.
~Snow. Yes. You read that correctly. I LOVE snow in Southern California. Snow in Southern California is very well-behaved. It knows its boundaries, limits, and purpose. It stays where it's supposed to. On the mountains, where I can see it as I stand in my 70 degree yard. Where I can visit it and ski on it if I want to. Where it will eventually melt and replenish our depleting water supply. It doesn't intrude where it isn't wanted. It's never in my yard, on my street, or covering my driveway.
~No state assessment tests for students K-8. This is a fleeting thing. Just for this year. But still. I think it was super-decent of the state of California to give teachers and students a free pass on testing this first year while everyone tries to figure out Common Core.
~I can buy wine at the grocery store. And at Target. And at Walgreens. And on Sundays, even. And since I don't know anyone, no one judges me for it.
~Bicycle helmets are legally mandated for anyone under 18. My kids will actually ride bikes to school here and I'm no longer considered the crazy mom who wants my kid to look like a nerd and have no friends. At least not as far as bike helmets go. I'm working on figuring out how to get that job back, though. I've kind of missed it.
~Two words. Cheap. Produce. Like, three entire reusable bags of fresh produce for under $25. And year-round farmer's markets on Sunday mornings.
That's it. For now.
Now lest you think I've become some blow sunshine all over the place Pollyanna, a quick reality check:
I'm still lonely.
Watching our kids play baseball here is one of the loneliest things I do. We miss the kids' old teammates and their families and their coaches with a fierceness that is physically painful.
The traffic still sucks.
They still let kids out of school an hour early for the ENTIRE week of parent-teacher conferences. I'm still not sure what parents did to teachers in years' past to get paid back with that one.
Stuff is still way too expensive.
There seems to be a corporate attitude of Bigger and More Expensive = Better and Necessary. And yet the way all of these programs and activities seem to want to fund this mind-set is to ask me for money. Or worse--to ask my kids to beg it from innocent family members and friends.
But it's growing. Slowly, but surely...the list of good things about this place is growing. So that's something.
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